New stuff on
Links and a short description of all new stuff is published on this page

Information about new material will from January 2016 be published on the frontpage and no more be listed here.

Please subscribe to my Youtube channel "marklinofsweden" and you´ll get a notification when new material gets published.een published.


Tutorial om making ocean water or lake water with real waves has been published. Link to the page


Styrofoam is the base material in most structures found on my layout. With this tool cutting and slicing becomes really easy. Link to the page


I have published the introduction to my latest layout "Tullinge"


I visited the largest Model Rail Road installation in Scandinavia and made a video documentary of the layout.


I published a video about a fast and simple method of making Pine trees. Make a pretty pine tree in 58 seconds


I published a video about methods of reducing the noice from the trains and tracks. Noice reduction

Navigation bar fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience during the down period!
Also added material to the diary section of my current layout, which is under construction.

New layout and design on the webbsite

Price reduction on micro-miniature motors in the webbshop. Now 4,00 kr/ea (Equals to 0,5 Euro)
Webbshop - Motors.

New article with Hints & Tricks. Some basic track combinations to avoid and tips on some preferred.

New items has been added to the presentation of the M-rail serie 5100 and 5200.

New article describes how to connect transformers and use switches Multiple locos operation (analog AC).

New items has been added to the webbshop.

-New webpage in the M-rail section "Tweaking the M-rail". The new page describes how to improve performance of the turnouts serie 5202 and 5137.
Ny webbsida i sektionen Metallräls under "Tips & tricks" beskriver hur man får växlarna 5202 och 5137 att fungera perfekt.

-A new gruop of pages in the Layout section "Märklin classics". Four new pages with layouts from the 60s.
Ny grupp av webbsidor i sektionen Layouter som heter "Märklin klassiker". Tre layouter från 60-talet finns publicerade.

-New material has been added to the photo gallery page for the Marbrodal layout.
Kompletteringar och ändringar av bildgalleriet till Marbrodalslayouten.

- The description how to engrave walls has been corrected and updated (Only in swedish)..
Under byggtips har sidan som beskriver hur man bygger murar uppdaterats.

- A new page under Hints & Tricks section has been published telling how to make moulded walls.
Under byggtips har en sida som beskriver hur man gjuter murar i trälim publicerats.

- The diary section updated for the "Marbrodal layout". (Only in swedish).

- New page under "Hints & Tricks" section describing how to build a HO-clock suitable for MRR.

- Major structural changes made to the entrie site in order to improve loading speed and logic.
- English translations of all M-rail pages now publiched. 8 pages in total.
- English translations of two articles in the "Hints & Tricks" section published.