Built 2011 to 2024 - A stretch of the western mainline 20km south of Stockholm, Sweden.

Join the journey through the miniature landscapes on the grand model railroad TULLINGE. This mid year layout tour was filmed 2019 using 4 differerent HD-cameras with it´s own unique features to capture the miniature enviroments around the layout. A total of over 200 video clips was filmed and mixed with explaining graphics, voice over and sound effects for your viewing pleasure.

I also want to send a BIG thank you to all the supporters and donators, who secures the future for the channel by your contributions. I also want to thank all the subscribers for staying with the channel, supporting with comments and thumbs ups. Thank you all viewers for watching the videos!

/ Martin alias "Marklinofsweden"


To or not to build?
Back in 2011 I asked myself the question if there would be a newlayout to or not. One thing was clear. Should I build another one, then it should be so good that I could never wish for any other layout at home after this. One day in March 2011, I had nevertheless decided to initiate planning of the layout of my life. The design is a U-shaped table in the garage with dimensions of 3050 x 4810mm. The table should, as before, go to winch up into the ceiling between sessions with servo motors..

Objectives of the layout
The mainlines should as far as possible, correspond with reality, without interfering with the driving pleasure. There must be at least a proper parade route built on the K-flex rail where the trains can stretch out in front of the spectator. The layout should be planned for left hand traffic.

The prototype "Real-Life enviroments"
The layout will be built with parts from and inspired by the western main line from Stockholm to Södertälje in 1950s and 1960s . Tullinge station with loading tracks for aviation fuel should be modelled as accurately as possible.

The sawmill area will be a model of the “Vinkelboda & Hyvleri” as per the state of early 1990s.

Clas working with a log on the saw table mid 90s

Military airfield F-18 TULLINGE
During the Air Force's construction, fuel supply had primarily been planned via rail-bound transport with so-called rolling stock for aviation fuel. The F-18 was no exception.

The siding branched off from the main line at Tullinge station and led to the gravel pit south of the station. The siding branched off at the southern end of the station and then extended down towards the gravel pit and Rikstensvägen. At the end of the siding, south of the stop trestle, there were some fixed tanks with facilities for refueling between the rolling stock and these.

Everything was surrounded by a green chain-link fence with barbed wire at the top and on the fence there were round yellow/black prohibition signs stating military area and photography prohibited. The track was 6-8 O-cars long and electrified. Here the O-cars with rolling stock were switched for reloading onto tankers for the F-18. In the 1970s, SJ began to phase out fuel transports to the Air Force, as these were unprofitable. The sidings were finally removed in connection with the relocation of Tullinge station in 1969. The military airfield will be represented only by two airplanes hanging from the ceiling.

Wooden water tower Brantbrink
The water tower at Brantbrink with a red LED at the top must be included, as well as the little special tunnel portal at “Bulten”.

The timber loading area
This will be located by the station Himmelsboda and has has no simularities to the prototype.

The Harbor
This was the main port for the company "AB Separator" which manufactured separators. Originally just cream from milk, but later a waste diversity of materials. The port was called “Seppan” but will not directly mimic Seppan at this time.

The passenger station TULLINGE
The original local train stop Tullinge opened when the line became double-tracked on 21 January 1903 and was located between two tunnels, at the entrance to today's Hamra gravel road and at the bottom at the southern end of Tullingesjön. The station was moved to a new location on 1 June 1969.

Tullinge station seen from platform mid 1960s

The shadow stations, north and south will represent Stockholm respective Södertälje.



Train control
The trains are operated by a Märklin Central Station 2, but the trains are controlled and operated via a PC with Rocrail. Feedback to determine the position of the trains to be made with a built-in IR LEDs in each locomotive and my home-built IR sensor in the rail, then the concept proved extremely reliable in the previous layout. Feedback to CS2 must be made via an s88 decoder, although these are quite expensive. The cable for all sensor cables are 50-pin flat cable with clamp contacts only every 30 centimeters..

Passager traffic
All long-distance and commuter traffic will be fully automated by timetables in Rocrail. The long distance passenger trains should be up to four coaches long. The automatic system with time schedules should have multiple intensity levels to be combined with an active freight according Fremo model. Mainline trains are based on the two shadow stations, passing via a Helix up to and stop at the main station before continuing to the next shadow station and stop. The local trains commute all stops, industries and stations on the visible portion of the layout.

Gods trains scenario
Stations and loading areas shall be provided to support the layout's two main themes of Wood and Sand / Concrete. Small compartments for the carriage card / waybill is built into the landscape next to each loading area / industry. Trolley cards and shipping labels should be produced for all freight wagons. Freight traffic is either semi-automatically using "Drag'n Drop", or fully automatically via schedule. Maximum train length must be 8 cars (16 axes + locomotive).

Loco station
Lokstationen expanded to 6-port stables and 2-port lokverkstad. The fine turntable from Walthers should go to re-use, despite the malfunctioning little. Switching on and off the tracks, however, the K-rails and not M-rails earlier.

Shadow stations
The shadow stations must have 4 tracks each, and must be rated for a maximum train length of 16 axes + locomotive.

Ready date
Layout should be possible to complete within 10 years, meaning year 2021.

Evaluation and conclusions
A new layout is not a build, it´s a journey.

I made this video exactly 10 years since I laid down the first track section of my Model Railroad. One thousand track pieces later I´m celebrating this by presenting how it was planned and built. I explain the 5 fundamental steps in planning a new layout, the mistakes I made and the lessons learned along the 10 years of construction.

/ Martin alias "Marklinofsweden"

Trackplan all layers merged with track item numbers.

Trackplan for level 1 and 2 with layer height stated

Trackplan level 3 and 4 with layer height stated


Link to: Trackplan files for Wintrack